[j-nsp] NetFlow on M7i

Erdem Sener erdems at gmail.com
Wed May 23 13:13:55 EDT 2007


   No, not all the M7i's come with an integrated ASM (Adaptive
Services Module). Some are bundled with on board GE interface, some
are bundled with ASM and some are 'plain', so to speak.

 You can check which one you're logged in with 'show chassis hardware'
and see what you have on FPC1 PIC 2.

 You can technically do sampling without a services pic but in this
case you'll not risk running into performance issues (based on your
volume, how busy is your RE without sampling etc.) but you may hit the
PFE problem described on PSN-2007-02-026, if you're using a older code
(in terms of build date)


On 5/23/07, TCIS List Acct <listacct at tulsaconnect.com> wrote:
> Chris Morrow wrote:
> >
> >
> > On Wed, 23 May 2007, TCIS List Acct wrote:
> >
> >> First, thanks to everyone that responded to my questions yesterday --
> >> I think we
> >> have decided on going the new M7i route.
> >>
> >> Now, on to the next question -- we plan to use NetFlow for billing
> >> purposes, and
> >> I've read that Juniper's NetFlow is limited to 7,000pps or something
> >> similar.
> >
> > 7kpps for RE sampled traffic, and it's 7k samples/second. So if you
> > sample 1:100 it's really 700kpps. Make sense?  The M7i comes with an
> > integrated AS-PIC, the AS-PIC will do many things one of which is
> > 'sampling' :) It does this at about 400kpps samples, so 1:100 sampling
> > means you can sample about 40,000kpps (40mpps).
> >
> Do all M7i's come with an integrated AS-PIC?  I thought that was only included
> on the -ASM model?  I assume with 1:100 sampling, that means that I am missing
> flows?
> --Mike
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