[j-nsp] EX3200 Odd behavior on cacti

Bill Blackford BBlackford at nwresd.k12.or.us
Wed Oct 7 16:05:35 EDT 2009

Has anyone seen this:

I am currently using a EX3200 in a routing capacity. At any given time it receives some good PPS bursts. I've graphed it at 100k PPS and 150-200M on my upstream interface. Should be nothing for a line rate device. However I'm seeing a drop in graphed bandwidth that consistently coincides with a high PPS count on my cacti graphs. I try to capture an event using 'monitor' but haven't yet. My interface counters show no errors or problems. What I may be experiencing is a problem with SNMP or with cacti even though my cacti instance doesn't follow this pattern for other devices. I would like to verify if traffic actually drops or is SNMP gets stupid when a high number of packets are blasting through the router.

Since cacti uses 5 minute trends, in order for something to even show up (extreme bandwidth drop) it would have to be very low for most of that period. 

Is there a way to log interface stats in near real time? At least the high and lows in an attempt to correlate these events.



Bill Blackford                     
Senior Network Engineer            
Technology Systems Group           
Northwest Regional ESD             

my /home away from home

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