[j-nsp] LX SFP Question

Paul Stewart paul at paulstewart.org
Fri Sep 25 10:18:44 EDT 2009

Thanks to everyone for the response.


I did want to add one last thing to the comment below regarding " you get
what you pay for".   We pay just over 10X the price for Juniper authentic
SFP's to date compared to generic.  In the past 10 years I've had exactly 2
generic SFP's fail in the Cisco world.  With this substantial price increase
to Juniper authentic why wouldn't they build in dB meters in their SFP's?


Take care,





From: Stefan Fouant [mailto:sfouant at gmail.com] 
Sent: September 25, 2009 10:15 AM
To: Mike Mainer
Cc: Paul Stewart; juniper-nsp at puck.nether.net
Subject: Re: [j-nsp] LX SFP Question


On Fri, Sep 25, 2009 at 6:47 AM, Mike Mainer <mmainer at tekinside.com> wrote:

on M&T routers you always have the command list below to give you light
rx/tx levels/thresholds but Juniper removed this command from the EX version
of JUNOS.  They actually had the command in early releases (9.2) but it did
not provide any output.  I know in 9.4r3.5 Juniper just removed that command
altogether.  We had asked our SE to have this added as a "feature request"
but nothing so far...

It's expensive to put dB meters on every optical interface, and since these
are cheap commodity based switches those capabilities most likely do not
exist.  That most likely explains the reason you did not see any output in
the 9.2 release, which they finally decided to remove altogether from future
versions.  As Richard mentioned, you'll have DOM for 10GE interfaces, but
not the GE.  You get what you pay for... ;)

Stefan Fouant

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