[j-nsp] Juniper EX-2500

Ralph Smit Ralph.Smit at nxs.nl
Mon Feb 8 04:41:47 EST 2010

Hello people,

I was wondering if anyone has anyone has any (lab) experience with the new Juniper EX-2500 switches.
We're looking for a high-density 10GbE switch and our shortlist consists of; the Arista 7124S, Brocade TurboIron 24X, HP 6600-24XG and the EX2500.
Since we currently have Juniper and HP in our network, we're tempted to go for the EX2500. This because it beats the HP in power-consumption and latency, and both the Arista and Brocade would mean introducing a new vendor in our network...

any additional thoughts, info or feedback would be greatly appreciated.

Ralph Smit.

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