[j-nsp] Juniper MX80 IRB

Chuck Anderson cra at WPI.EDU
Tue Jul 27 10:31:18 EDT 2010

On Tue, Jul 27, 2010 at 03:46:41PM +0200, magno wrote:
> Today Trio only supports the old style config. in the near future, the
> new style config will be supported as well.

I have several problems with the way Juniper handled this:

1. The configuration commits without any warnings or errors.  There is 
no indication that what you have configured is unsupported.  No logs, 
no alarms, no nothing.

2. I've seen MPCs crash/go into a reboot loop when configuring them 
the new VLAN Bundle way.  (For the OP: do your MPC's go into a reboot 
loop, alternately showing offline/online under show chassis fpc 
pic-status?)  They should gracefully fail to work when doing something 
unsupported and make loud noises when you do.

3. Documentation is severely lacking.  In the 10.2 Release Notes, no 
where does it say "today Trio only supports JUNOS 9.2 features" 
(except when talking about the MX80 specifically, and some other 
specific features--nothing about the other Trio cards or about 
bridging/VLAN Bundles specifically).  I've only heard that from 
statements made by my Juniper reps.  Even then, you have to really dig 
deep in the Network Interfaces guide and Layer 2 Configuration Guide 
to find references to "9.5+ required" on VLAN Bundles and other 
configuration statements and features.  The 10.x Release Notes really 
ought to say "In this release, Trio only supports JUNOS 9.2 features 
and configurations on the following cards and platforms" and then list 
out *exactly* which hardware and configuration statements this applies 
to.  The rest of the configuration guides ought to have warnings 
sprinkled throughout saying "Not supported on Trio!" with pointers to 
the old way that works on Trio.  These warnings should stay in the 
documentation and Release Notes until the limitations no longer apply.

The current situation is a horrible landmine for customers wishing to 
migrate/upgrade from DPC to Trio, as well as brand new customers like 
myself who haven't read the 9.2 documentation and earlier Release 
Notes.  Why should I have to go back 7 releases worth of documentation 
to configure my brand new hardware that is only supported at all under 
10.0/10.1 and only supported under 10.2 when mixed with DPC cards?

Finally, JTAC/ATAC can't even figure out the above!!!  I have a case 
open and they *still* haven't come to the solution because they 
haven't realized that "Today Trio only supports the old style config" 
and what that really means.

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