[j-nsp] Error BGP RECV Notification code 2 (Open Message Error) subcode 7 (unsupported capability)

khagendra dhakal khagubrt at gmail.com
Thu May 20 11:18:55 EDT 2010

Dear all,

Platform: M10i

Platform: Maipu 2800
IOS: rp8-i-6.1.37(xnwt-11).bin), version 6.1.37

PROBLEM: Has anyone had any bad experience on bgp peering between the
above mentioned Devices with the  following error: ?

BGP RECV xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx+3407 -> xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx+179
 BGP RECV message type 3 (Notification) length 27
 BGP RECV Notification code 2 (Open Message Error) subcode 7
(unsupported capability)
 BGP RECV Data (6 bytes): 41 04 00 00 b3 15
 bgp_peer_close: closing peer xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx (External AS xxxxx),
state is 5 (OpenConfirm)
 bgp_close_socket: peer xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx (External AS xxxxx)
 advertising receiving-speaker only capabilty to neighbor
xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx (External AS xxxxx)
 bgp_4byte_aspath_add_cap():153 AS4-Peer xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx (External AS
xxxxx)(SEND): 4 byte AS capability added, AS xxxxx

Please suggest the appropriate solution to get out of this issue.

Khagendra Dhakal

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