[j-nsp] Logical Tunnels & IPv6

Mark Kamichoff prox at prolixium.com
Sun May 30 20:42:09 EDT 2010

On Sun, May 30, 2010 at 05:59:59PM -0500, Richard A Steenbergen wrote:
> It's always been like this, and Juniper has ignored all requests to add
> support for IPv6 with ethernet encapsulation on the LT. The only
> work-around is to use frame-relay encapsulation instead of ethernet,
> which works for most but not all use cases.

Thanks guys.  I'll give the frame-relay encapsulation a try!

Perhaps we just need a few large carriers to help "nudge" Juniper on
this.  I suppose it'll be added eventually though, as more folks start
to add IPv6 to existing IPv4 configurations.

- Mark

Mark Kamichoff
prox at prolixium.com
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