[j-nsp] Recover failed harddisk on RE-400

Dominik Rappaport Dominik.Rappaport at rappaport.at
Sat Jan 22 10:49:36 EST 2011


I troubleshoot a failed RE-400's harddisk on an M7i router. I replaced the harddisk with a new one and followed 

Peforming a Recovery Installation

I downloaded install-media-9.3R4.4-domestic from the JUNIPS download site and put it by means of dd on a Compact flash card. The RE booted from the CF but stopped at that point:

        =================== Bootstrap installer starting ===================
        Initialized the environment
        Routing engine model is RE-5.0
        Discovered that flash disk = ad0 , hard disk = ad1
        mount: /dev/ad1s1f: No such file or directory
        ERROR: mount_partition: Mount /dev/ad1s1a /mnt failed
        You are now in a debugging subshell (you may not see a prompt)...

Obicously that can't work as the harddisk is new and not partitioned. But the docs under

Creating an Emergency Boot Disk

claims that

        The emergency boot disk repartitions the primary disk and reloads a fresh installation of the JUNOS software.

what it actually doesn't do. Did I miss something or do I have to recreate the paritions on my own? Any suggestion on how to do that?


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