[j-nsp] SRX gui

David Klein davidklein at dhk.com
Mon Mar 5 19:58:13 EST 2012


Just curious about your experiences with the SRX J-Web GUI.


We have been testing the SRX-210 for a couple of years and have noticed that
the GUI is very slow to load and configure compared to an SSG5.


We're running the SRX at OS 11.4R1.6; the SSG5 at 6.2.0r5.


Is it just the GUI on the SRX 210 that is slow? Does it run faster on the
bigger hardware?


We've tried it with IE8, IE9, and Firefox. Is there a specific browser or
applet we need in order for it to run fast?


If there is something that we need to do in order to make it run faster,
please let me know.




-David Klein

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