[j-nsp] policer

Doug Hanks dhanks at juniper.net
Fri May 4 13:34:08 EDT 2012

Policers are pretty flexible.  It really has to do with how you apply them
to the IFD and IFL.  There are options in the firewall filters and
policers to aggregate or deaggregate traffic.

If you want to police traffic per IP, there's something called a
prefix-action that will let you define various prefix lengths.  For
example you can create an individual logical policer for every /32 in a
/25 network.


Thank you,

Doug Hanks - JNCIE-ENT #213,  JNCIE-SP #875
Sr. Systems Engineer
Juniper Networks
Twitter: @douglashanksjr

On 5/3/12 9:44 AM, "Mark Jones" <mjones at mnsi.net> wrote:

>Just looking for clarification on the policer use.  If I have a whole
>of ips in say a 10 megabit policer is each ip int eh subnet limited to 10
>meg or is the whole subnet limited as a total of all the ips bandwidth?
>Mark Jones
>Managed Network Systems
>London Desk 519-679-5207
>Windsor Desk 519-258-2333 x8417
>Cell  519-521-8222
>juniper-nsp mailing list juniper-nsp at puck.nether.net

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