[j-nsp] VPLS issues

Vladislav VASILEV vladislavavasilev at gmail.com
Fri Nov 30 14:23:51 EST 2012

You need to use the "strict" keyword when installing the LSP.

Sent from my iPhone

On 30 Nov 2012, at 17:29, Richard A Steenbergen <ras at e-gerbil.net> wrote:

> Does anybody have any experience with forced LSP path selection for VPLS
> circuits? Long story short, when we fire up traffic on one particular
> VPLS instance, we're seeing SOME of the traffic it's carrying being
> blackholed. The pattern is one of certain IP or even TCP port pairs
> being blocked, and it seems to rotate over time, which screams "hashing
> across multiple LSPs where one of them is doing something bad, and it
> changes as the LSPs resignal over time" to me. To try and lock this
> down, I'm trying to force the VPLS traffic to route over a single LSP,
> in the usual manner with a forwarding-table export policy, and a very
> simple extended community regexp against the vrf-target community.
> term VPLS {
>    from community MATCH_VPLS;
>    then {
>        install-nexthop lsp-regex .*-SILVER.*;
>        load-balance per-packet;
>        accept;
>    }
> }
> But it sure as hell doesn't look like it's narrowing the LSP selection:
> ras at re0.router> show route forwarding-table family vpls table blah
> Routing table: blah.vpls
> Destination        Type RtRef Next hop           Type Index NhRef Netif
> ...
> 00:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx/48 user     0                  indr 1050634     5
>                                                 idxd  3223     2
>                   idx:1      xx.xx.142.132     Push 262153, Push 655412(top)  4543     1 xe-7/3/0.0
>                   idx:1      xx.xx.142.62      Push 262153, Push 752660, Push 691439(top)  1315     1 xe-4/1/0.0
>                   idx:2      xx.xx.142.132     Push 262153, Push 758372(top)  1923     1 xe-7/3/0.0
>                   idx:2      xx.xx.142.62      Push 262153, Push 382341, Push 691439(top)  2541     1 xe-4/1/0.0
>                   idx:3      xx.xx.142.132     Push 262153, Push 758372(top)  1923     1 xe-7/3/0.0
>                   idx:3      xx.xx.142.62      Push 262153, Push 382341, Push 691439(top)  2541     1 xe-4/1/0.0
>                   idx:4      xx.xx.142.30      Push 262153, Push 714676(top)  1500     1 xe-4/1/1.0
>                   idx:4      xx.xx.142.62      Push 262153, Push 619458, Push 378636(top)  3864     1 xe-4/1/0.0
>                   idx:xx     xx.xx.142.82      Push 262153, Push 601828(top)   989     1 xe-5/0/0.0
>                   idx:xx     xx.xx.142.132     Push 262153, Push 684644(top)  3516     1 xe-7/3/0.0
>                   idx:xx     xx.xx.142.62      Push 262153, Push 528898, Push 760875(top)  4766     1 xe-4/1/0.0
>                   idx:xx     xx.xx.142.62      Push 262153, Push 792036, Push 691439(top)  3473     1 xe-4/1/0.0
> Any ideas, about this or about troubleshooting the forwarding plane for
> VPLS in general? Other than that VPLS just sucks... :)
> --
> Richard A Steenbergen <ras at e-gerbil.net>       http://www.e-gerbil.net/ras
> GPG Key ID: 0xF8B12CBC (7535 7F59 8204 ED1F CC1C 53AF 4C41 5ECA F8B1 2CBC)
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