[j-nsp] J-Flow seems to not exporting all the traffic

Matjaz Straus Istenic matjaz at njetwork.si
Sun Jan 6 17:44:43 EST 2013

On 6. jan. 2013, at 19:05, Samol <molasian at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi All,
> I have posted here before regarding J-flow configured on MX5. I have tried
> many different ways and we can see that MX5s are exporting the traffic to
> the collector ( NFSEN). However, as we can see, it doesn't send everything,
> so we are not getting what we want. the traffic transit thru the interface
> supposed to be 100M, example, we can get only 2M or 3M. Is there anything
> left that i should have configured or tuned ?

Are you using sampled netflow?
Can you share your [forwarding-options sampling input] configuration with the list?

> Regards,
> Sam


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