[j-nsp] Juniper MX480 BNG Feature ?

Thong Hawk Yen hawk.yen.thong at time.com.my
Thu Jun 6 11:06:19 EDT 2013

Thanks Paul.

There is no way we can do it at this moment. We have not received any positive feedback from our counterparts.

There has been a lot of crazy idea from non-IP engineering department to conserve IPv4 addresses, this is one of those.


Amos Thong


Hi Thong - I don't believe there is a way to do this in JunOS Š. Would

love to hear otherwise though.


On 2013-06-04 6:51 AM, "Thong Hawk Yen" <hawk.yen.thong at time.com.my<https://puck.nether.net/mailman/listinfo/juniper-nsp>> wrote:

>Hi J-NSP Members,


>We are using MX480 with Junos [11.4X27.44] as BRAS and with Juniper

>policy manager SRC with Software version SRC-PE Release 4.2 [V4.2.0.R-16]

>to provide Broadband services over PPPoE.

>The BRAS is the element  that is leasing out IP addresses to the

>subscribers on the ppo interfaces. We notice that there is a high

>percentage of users are actually idling, not sending/receiving any

>traffic but the sessions are taking up ip addresses.


>It is not very efficient to time-out their session because customer end

>routers will re-dial. Is there a way to leave the PPPoE session on while

>the BRAS relinquish idling sessions ip address and re-assign when the

>customer traffic is back ?


>Please advise. Any feedback from any deployment of other BRAS would be

>helpful. Thanks.





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