[j-nsp] igmp proxy on EX

Tima Maryin timamaryin at mail.ru
Wed May 22 17:43:07 EDT 2013


Maybe MVR could help


On 21.05.2013 18:35, Volodymir Samodid wrote:
> Hello all,
>   I need help of community.
> There are several question about multicast and EX.
> At this moment I have the following scheme:
>                                                                     ----
> mcast_iptv_vlan (access) --- host 1
>                                                                    /
>                                                                  /
> <ISP> ---- Mcast_iptv_vlan (tagged) ---- ex3200 ---- mcast_iptv_vlan
> (access) --- host 2
>                                                                  \
>                                                                    \
>                                                                     ----
> mcast_iptv_vlan (access) --- host 3
> Workstations can join to the multicast group and everything works. On
> the EX switch  igmp, igmp-snooping services  disable, ie it works as a
> simple L2.
> But I have a lot of user in different vlan and I want to give them the
> opportunity to receive a multicast stream.
>   Scheme should be something like this
> ----- User_vlan1 (access) --- host 1
>                                                                    /
>                                                                  /
> <ISP> ---- Mcast_iptv_vlan (tagged) ---- ex3200 ---- user_vlan2 (access)
> --- host 2
>                                                                     \
>                                                                        \
> ------ User_vlan3 (access) --- host 3
> Ex3200 runs as  L3 router and default gateway in the user`s vlan.
> If I understand right, EX must provide multicast routing. And if it
> posible, do not do changes on  ISP side.
> In the case of Linux router I will use the igmp-proxy. But  I would like
> to do it on the EX, if it is possible, without  additional devices.
> I have studied some info from juniper KB but have not found a suitable
> solution. If I properly understand proxy option in the igmp-snooping -
> allows to proxy traffic only in the same vlan,
> not in many at once.
> Also i can not test / experiment, because  EX under load. It will be
> very vary sad, if some thing going wrong/
> P.S. Sorry for my English

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