Phil Mayers p.mayers at imperial.ac.uk
Sat May 25 07:29:12 EDT 2013

On 25/05/2013 12:01, Maciej Jan Broniarz wrote:
> Hello,
> I am trying to do an initial setup on an SRX1400 but i get the following error:
> root# commit
> [edit groups junos-defaults]
>    'interfaces'
>      Error accessing interface container object, may not be defined
> LIBJNX_SNMP_ENGINE_SCAN_FAILURE: snmp_engine_read: fscanf : /var/db/snmp_engine.db scanning: full_engine_id Error: Unknown error: 0
> [edit groups junos-defaults]
>    'interfaces'
>      cannot get intferface name.
> error: configuration check-out failed
> [edit]
> How should I fix it?

We saw this recently on SRX3600, but I can't remember what the solution 
was; if I recall correctly, there is some mandatory minimum config that 
the setup guide omits, but I can't quite remember what it was...

What does "show interfaces" in "configure" mode look like before you try 
to commit?

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