[j-nsp] SRX vs Checkpoint (4800)

Skeeve Stevens skeeve+junipernsp at eintellegonetworks.com
Sun Nov 24 02:51:22 EST 2013

Hey all,

I have a customer where we have been slowly deploying Juniper (instead of
Cisco) for their routing and switching, and that has been going well.

But the other day they asked me about replacing their Checkpoint 4800's
with Juniper SRX.  For their needs, I am thinking of a pair of SRX550's.
 But, I would like to justify my advice...  Does anyone have any
comparisons, etc... for Checkpoint 4800's (or that family) against SRX's?

Also, rather than just touching command-line to create/change rules...  is
there any GUI management tool for SRX firewall rules? I've heard of Space,
but the Juniper website only really talks about it in 'concept' and I can't
even tell if its a physical, virtual or app platform, and what it would
look like.

I've also heard of JACL - a non-supported migration/management tool, but it
seems to have disappeared from the net.

Any advice is welcome thanks guys.


*Skeeve Stevens - *eintellego Networks Pty Ltd
skeeve at eintellegonetworks.com ; www.eintellegonetworks.com

Phone: 1300 239 038; Cell +61 (0)414 753 383 ; skype://skeeve

facebook.com/eintellegonetworks ;  <http://twitter.com/networkceoau>

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