[j-nsp] Upgrading firmware on an EX 4300 virtual chassis?

Stepan Kucherenko twh at megagroup.ru
Wed May 27 11:12:21 EDT 2015

I was doing it through request system software nonstop-upgrade. Some 
drops were observed but overall it worked.

The main gotcha I've found is that if you have LACP LAGs configured then 
change it to pediodic slow, otherwise you'll have up to 6 seconds of no 
LACP replies and LAG shuts down even if it can pass traffic.

Not sure about older 13.2 versions, I was testing NSSU between latest 
13.2 and latest 14.whatever, both upgrades and downgrades.

On 27.05.2015 18:00, Scott Granados wrote:
> Hi,
> I’ve downloaded the latest recommended firmware from the web site which is indicated as jinstall-ex-4300-13.2X51-D35.3-domestic-signed.tgz.  I’ve been googling and keep finding procedures for upgrading that involve NSSU which I’ve seen go very badly all be it quite a while ago, before the feature was supported.  Will the normal method work?  Will something like the following do the job
>> request system software add /var/tmp/jinstall-ex-4300-13.2X51-D35.3-domestic-signed.tgz validate no-copy
> Once completed and valided
>> request system reboot
> Will this fit the bill or do I have to use the new procedures?  If this will work is there any need to define all members or is that assumed?  What’s my best upgrade procedure to proceed?  Also, any comments on the version that the site presented as acceptable, should I go with this release or is something else more preferred?
> I’m presently running a buggy version of 13.2 that was shipped with the devices.
> Any pointers would be most appreciated.
> Thank you
> Scott
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