[j-nsp] open source packages to monitor ex2200/vc

raf raph at futomaki.net
Wed Aug 17 11:53:14 EDT 2016

Le 17/08/2016 à 17:28, Catalin Dominte a écrit :
> I usually create a snmp filter to avoid polling interfaces ending in .0. If you poll an ex2200 / 3300 / 4200 it spends a long time polling the ifTable and ifxTable. The polling time is reduced considerably if .0 interfaces are dropped and I can poll the device every 5 minutes.

Yes snmp request can kill the control plane of EXs. For example 
Observium was killing my ex4550 (causing ldp sessions to drop and so 
on). I still consider that completely ridiculous...

With correct snmp filter the situation is less worse, but I still have 
to patch the Observium poller to let some breathes to my ex(s).
OK the Observium poller is quite aggressive (or stupid depend of the 
point of view :).

>> What is everyone using to monitor their EX2200/VC stacks?

I've made some ugly scripts in python to check via ssh the output of 
"show virtual-chassis".

>> We are using check_mk to monitor our network which is great, however due to
>> the way it polls or due to the low power of the ex2200 I'm unable to
>> monitor all the individual interfaces.

Check-mk is great, but do lot of snmpwalk to check network devices. (If 
I had time I will take a look to patch and make it use an interfaces cache)

Raphael Mazelier

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