[j-nsp] EX3200/4200 ipv6 match conditions in family ethernet-switching

Jason Healy jhealy at logn.net
Mon Apr 10 10:03:41 EDT 2017

On Apr 10, 2017, at 7:51 AM, Phil Mayers <p.mayers at imperial.ac.uk> wrote:
> My memory is hazy, but I think we saw the CLI accept but ignore partial v6 config, same as you are seeing, so I'd guess CLI bug on that score.

Ugh.  I whipped up a quick filter with anything ipv6 that would commit.  I was hopeful for a second because it looked like prefix lists were going to work (I'll take anything I can get...), but it turned out that they would match all traffic because they were looking for v4 addresses only.  Once I added some terms to check for that, nothing matched.

So, what we're left with is the "ether-type ipv6" match condition.  Everything else fails to catch any traffic:

Filter: fw-ipv6                                                
Name                                                Bytes              Packets
destination-prefix-list                                 0                    0
ether-type-ipv6                                      8224                   68
from-protocol-icmp6                                     0                    0
source-prefix-list                                      0                    0
unmatched                                            2244                   22

What's depressing is that it looks like the 2300/3400 are the only EX switches that support any IPv6 on layer 2 filters (Phil, you mentioned the 4300, but the docs list that as unsupported as well).

And people wonder why IPv6 adoption is so slow...


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