[j-nsp] LDP VPLS - Multi-homing

Aaron Gould aaron1 at gvtc.com
Mon Oct 2 08:52:35 EDT 2017

Please let me know where I'm not understand this correctly.


I have what I understand to be a LDP VPLS configured network, additionally
with a functional multi-homing configuration.  It's all working. shutting
down the operational/designated forwarder pe-ce interface causes a good
failover to the other multi-homed pe-ce side.


The juniper.net link below seems to state that a PW will not be fired-off to
prevent looping.  I don't see this to be true.  I see a full mesh of active
(UP) pw's.  The only thing that I observe as the loop preventing mechanism
is the non-designated-forwarding interface from PE-CE is brought down.


Also, in the link below it mentions the following.  "For interoperation
scenarios in which a PE router must support both types of NLRI (FEC 128 and
FEC 129), this example also includes the signaling statement."


.I'm pretty sure it's speaking of the command "set logical-systems r2
protocols bgp group my-ibgp neighbor family l2vpn signaling"


For what I'm seeing in my lab, I don't see this to be accurate either.  I
see that I do not get multi-homing advertisements *received* if I don't have
that "signaling" command.  I do see that the local site MH info is there
prior to the signaling command, in the (vpls name).l2vpn.0 (only one local
entry) but nothing rcv'd in the bgp.l2vpn.0 table.


I'll be glad to send any output/configs if you want to see them..this is all
done within several lsys's




my verification commands.


run show route table vpls-4762.l2vpn.0 | grep MH

run show route table bgp.l2vpn.0 | grep MH

run show vpls connections extensive | find Multi-home

run show vpls connections br

run show interfaces terse lt-1/1/0.1104



r2 at lab-mx104:r2# deactivate protocols bgp group my-ibgp neighbor
family l2vpn signaling


r2 at lab-mx104:r2# commit


r2 at lab-mx104:r2# run show route table bgp.l2vpn.0 | grep MH


r2 at lab-mx104:r2# run show route table vpls-4762.l2vpn.0 | grep MH MH


r2 at lab-mx104:r2# activate protocols bgp group my-ibgp neighbor
family l2vpn signaling


r2 at lab-mx104:r2# commit


r2 at lab-mx104:r2# run show route table bgp.l2vpn.0 | grep MH MH MH MH


r2 at lab-mx104:r2# run show route table vpls-4762.l2vpn.0 | grep MH MH MH MH MH



r2 at lab-mx104:r2# show protocols bgp | display set

set logical-systems r2 protocols bgp group my-ibgp type internal

set logical-systems r2 protocols bgp group my-ibgp local-address

set logical-systems r2 protocols bgp group my-ibgp neighbor family
inet-vpn unicast

set logical-systems r2 protocols bgp group my-ibgp neighbor family
l2vpn auto-discovery-only

set logical-systems r2 protocols bgp group my-ibgp neighbor family
l2vpn signaling

set logical-systems r2 protocols bgp group my-ibgp neighbor family
inet-vpn unicast

set logical-systems r2 protocols bgp group my-ibgp neighbor family
l2vpn auto-discovery-only

set logical-systems r2 protocols bgp group my-ibgp neighbor family
l2vpn signaling



r2 at lab-mx104:r2# show routing-instances vpls-4762 |display set

set logical-systems r2 routing-instances vpls-4762 instance-type vpls

set logical-systems r2 routing-instances vpls-4762 interface lt-0/1/0.1002

set logical-systems r2 routing-instances vpls-4762 route-distinguisher

set logical-systems r2 routing-instances vpls-4762 l2vpn-id

set logical-systems r2 routing-instances vpls-4762 vrf-target

set logical-systems r2 routing-instances vpls-4762 protocols vpls

set logical-systems r2 routing-instances vpls-4762 protocols vpls
multi-homing site site1 identifier 1

set logical-systems r2 routing-instances vpls-4762 protocols vpls
multi-homing site site1 interface lt-0/1/0.1002



-Aaron Gould

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