[j-nsp] Internet monitoring in case of general issues

Tore Anderson tore at fud.no
Sun Mar 15 03:57:46 EDT 2020

* james list

> The question: once you notice issues on internet and your upstreams are
> fine, what instrument or service or commands or web site do you use to try
> to find out where is the problem and who is experiencing the problem (ie a
> tier1 carrier)?

We find that being an NLNOG RING (https://ring.nlnog.net/) participant is very useful in diagnosing these kind of issues. We can start pings or traceroutes towards towards our own network from 500+ locations all over the globe with a single command, for example. Furthermore, there is a tool (ring-sqa) that does pretty much this continuously and alerts us if a partial outage is detected.


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