[j-nsp] Autonegotiation woes with EX-3400

Chris Wopat me at falz.net
Tue May 5 13:52:56 EDT 2020


Curious what Junos versions you hit this on, and what speed the
uplinks were? When you say you standardize on running autonegotiation,
are you adding this non-default portion to the config:

   set interfaces xe-0/2/0 ether-options auto-negotiation

And Juniper's recommendation is below, or to simply not add above?

    set interfaces xe-0/2/0 ether-options no-auto-negotiation

We don't have any of these in production but have one as a test for a
possible project, hence the curiosity. We've had a lab one running
18.2R3-S2.9 with LR SFP+ uplink with no issues- we have no
ether-options set at all.


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