[j-nsp] polishing an antique m7i

Tobias Heister lists at tobias-heister.de
Fri Jul 8 07:53:14 EDT 2022


If you have any active support contract or a contact to an SE person 
they typically can provide access to old and no longer listed releases 
on demand as they do archive them internally. We recently had to request 
some 14.X code for a complicated VC upgrade procedure involving a failed 

Unfortunately the public download section seems to get automatically 
purged every now and than and releases older than X are removed. 
Especially for EOL platforms.


Am 07.07.2022 um 21:45 schrieb Randy Bush via juniper-nsp:
>>> - old m7i with RE-B-1800X1-4G-S
>>> - currently running 14.2R7.5
>>> - hard disk dying
>>> - have nice new 1tb sata ssd for it
>>> - juniper support download is pushing 15.1R7.9 at me
>>> - should i worry about increased memory use or license changes in 15?
>>> - if so, where the heck is 14?
>> If 14 is missing from the repository, then it's probably because it is
>> EoL.
> so is the m7i :)
>> I can't find 14 for even the MX, so chances are Juniper stopped
>> maintaining it a while ago. I recall debuting 14 into our network back
>> in 2014, and it had tons of problems. I'd be surprised if Juniper are
>> still actively supporting it.
> i am not expecting active support of 14 or the m7i.  i am expecting an
> archive of historical releases just as application softwares have.
>> For the M7i, chances are your memory footprint will bulge with 15
> exactly my fear.  it was running 14 successfully as the disk drive
> failed.  i want to run 14 when the new drive is installed (in the next
> day or two).  this seems a reasonable desire.
>>> - and with the support portal rearrangement, i can not find
>>>     destructions for making a bootable usb stick from
>>>     install-media-15.1R7.dms (on a mac or an rPi, of course:) <blush>
> `dd in=Desktop/ISOs/install-media-15.1R7.dms of=/dev/disk6 bs=1m`
> resulted in
>      ryuu.rg.net:/Users/randy> sudo fdisk /dev/disk6
>      Password:
>      Disk: /dev/disk6        geometry: 979/255/63 [15728640 sectors]
>      Signature: 0xAA55
> 	     Starting       Ending
>       #: id  cyl  hd sec -  cyl  hd sec [     start -       size]
>      ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>       1: 04  880   0   1 -  879   0   1 [   1893232 -      20480] DOS FAT-16
>      *2: A5  680   0   1 -  879   0   1 [       680 -    1892552] FreeBSD
>       3: 00    0   0   0 -    0   0   0 [         0 -          0] unused
>       4: 00    0   0   0 -    0   0   0 [         0 -          0] unused
> which is somewhat reassuring, though the start/size of #1 is a bit odd
> randy
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