[j-nsp] polishing an antique m7i

Randy Bush randy at psg.com
Thu Jul 7 15:45:25 EDT 2022

>> - old m7i with RE-B-1800X1-4G-S
>> - currently running 14.2R7.5
>> - hard disk dying
>> - have nice new 1tb sata ssd for it
>> - juniper support download is pushing 15.1R7.9 at me
>> - should i worry about increased memory use or license changes in 15?
>> - if so, where the heck is 14?
> If 14 is missing from the repository, then it's probably because it is
> EoL.

so is the m7i :)

> I can't find 14 for even the MX, so chances are Juniper stopped
> maintaining it a while ago. I recall debuting 14 into our network back
> in 2014, and it had tons of problems. I'd be surprised if Juniper are
> still actively supporting it.

i am not expecting active support of 14 or the m7i.  i am expecting an
archive of historical releases just as application softwares have.

> For the M7i, chances are your memory footprint will bulge with 15

exactly my fear.  it was running 14 successfully as the disk drive
failed.  i want to run 14 when the new drive is installed (in the next
day or two).  this seems a reasonable desire.

>> - and with the support portal rearrangement, i can not find
>>    destructions for making a bootable usb stick from
>>    install-media-15.1R7.dms (on a mac or an rPi, of course:) <blush>

`dd in=Desktop/ISOs/install-media-15.1R7.dms of=/dev/disk6 bs=1m`
resulted in

    ryuu.rg.net:/Users/randy> sudo fdisk /dev/disk6
    Disk: /dev/disk6        geometry: 979/255/63 [15728640 sectors]
    Signature: 0xAA55
	     Starting       Ending
     #: id  cyl  hd sec -  cyl  hd sec [     start -       size]
     1: 04  880   0   1 -  879   0   1 [   1893232 -      20480] DOS FAT-16  
    *2: A5  680   0   1 -  879   0   1 [       680 -    1892552] FreeBSD     
     3: 00    0   0   0 -    0   0   0 [         0 -          0] unused      
     4: 00    0   0   0 -    0   0   0 [         0 -          0] unused      

which is somewhat reassuring, though the start/size of #1 is a bit odd


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