[j-nsp] Junos 21+ Killing Finger Muscle Memory...

Mark Tinka mark at tinka.africa
Sat Jul 15 16:12:57 EDT 2023

On 7/15/23 20:54, Crist Clark wrote:

> I find it kind of telling that customers are just getting around to 
> complaining about it two years after it was released. Not at all 
> surprising, but illustrates how slow network operators update cycles 
> can be compared to the pace of development.
> To the Junos developers, this is ancient news, long forgotten in the 
> dozens of sprints and multiple releases since.

While I do take your point, to be fair, this is one of those things 
operators are not likely to complain about because it would be coming 
from a place of priviledge. There are far more pressing issues than 
this, to be honest.

So like us who have been running Junos 21 for the past 8 or so months, 
we've been struggling with this and have been meaning to bring it up. 
But it's not a major catastrophe, so we haven't prioritized - and this 
post is really tongue-in-cheek. If it gets looked at, great. If it 
doesn't, it's not the end of the world.

If you run a network of significant size, you are going to be in a 
constant cycle of code upgrades. So it's not unreasonable to find 
operators being behind.


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