[j-nsp] Junos 21+ Killing Finger Muscle Memory...

Saku Ytti saku at ytti.fi
Mon Jul 17 05:08:00 EDT 2023

On Sun, 16 Jul 2023 at 19:47, Tim Franklin via juniper-nsp
<juniper-nsp at puck.nether.net> wrote:

> You missed the fun part where you have to explain *again* every few
> months to the CISO and their minions why you can't adhere to the
> written-by/for-Windows-admins "Patching Policy" that says everything in
> the company is upgraded to "the latest release" within 14 days, no
> software version is ever "more than three months old", and similar
> messages of joy ;)

What is the explanation? Is the explanation that NOS are closed source
software with proprietary or difficult to integrate hardware. And that
revenue comes from support contracts, which creates moral hazard,
which does not suggest intent in outcome, but suggests bias in organic
outcome towards bad software.


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