[j-nsp] MX304 - Edge Router

Mark Tinka mark at tinka.africa
Wed Oct 25 11:04:37 EDT 2023

On 10/25/23 16:00, Gert Doering wrote:

> What is "high-touch edge" for you?
> Most things we could come up with do work, with the notable exception
> of MAC accounting (or inclusion of MAC addresses in sflow/ipfix) - but
> here the ASR9000 is one of the few platforms on the market that can
> actually do it.  So more of a chip limitation.
> We don't do extremely demanding QoS things, but basic shaping and policing
> works fine on the new J2c+ boxes.  So not sure where the limits are.
> Of course it's merchant silicon boxes, but the J2c chips have become
> really impressive.

Good to hear.

The main things that have typically been an issue for us on 
Broadcom-based boxes have been:

     - Egress policing (trTCM).
     - uRPF (IPv4/IPv6).
     - Ingress/Egress marking (Policy Map a la Junos).
     - EVC + VLAN Tag Rewrite (push, pop, swap).
     - IPv4/IPv6 interface ACL's (should be pretty doable now).
     - LDPv6 (not chip related, just code).

Has your experience on Arista been that all those work?

We have a ton of Arista hardware, but we just use it purely for Layer 2 


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