[j-nsp] MX304 - Edge Router

Richard McGovern rmcgovern at juniper.net
Wed Oct 25 13:20:39 EDT 2023

Crist, not quite 100% accurate. Perpetual License are permeant and last forever, but with newer Flex License structure also require a SW Support Contract. Subscription based licenses of course expire at end of the subscription date, but do include SW Support.

Trial and Demo licenses always come with end date, usually 60-90 days in the future. I am not 100% sure about expiration for Lab Licenses.

FYI Only, Rich

Richard McGovern
Sr Sales Engineer, Juniper Networks

I’d rather be lucky than good, as I know I am not good
I don’t make the news, I just report it

Juniper Business Use Only

On 10/25/23, 11:02 AM, "Crist Clark" <cjc+j-nsp at pumpky.net> wrote:
I think the key here is that the OP had evaluation licenses. Those are
timed and things stop working when they expire. Purchased license are
permanent and do not expire.

On Wed, Oct 25, 2023 at 6:18 AM Mark Tinka via juniper-nsp <
juniper-nsp at puck.nether.net<mailto:juniper-nsp at puck.nether.net>> wrote:

> On 10/25/23 14:42, Saku Ytti via juniper-nsp wrote:
> > But we can reject licenses that expire in operation and cause an
> > outage. That I think is a very reasonable ask.  I know that IOS XE for
> > example will do this, you run out of license and your box breaks. I
> > swapped out from CRS1k to ASR1k because I knew the organisation would
> > eventually fail to fix the license ahead of expiry.
> We had this happen to us in 2014 when we recovered a failed server
> running CSR1000v. The "installation evaluation" license expired after 60
> days, and since everyone forgot about it, the box went down.
> So as part of our deployment/recovery procedure, we always procure
> CSR1000v licenses for each installation.
> Of course, with things changing to Cat8000v, this could get juicy.
> > I'm happy if the device calls homes via https proxy, and reports my
> > license use, and the sales droid tells me I'm not compliant with
> > terms. Making it a commercial problem is fine, making it an acute
> > technical problem is not.
> >
> >
> > In your specific case, the ports never worked, you had to procure a
> > license, and the license never dies. So from my POV, this is fine. And
> > being absolutist here will not help, as then you can't even achieve
> > reasonable compromise.
> I tend to agree.
> Mark.
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