[j-nsp] MX304 - Edge Router

Richard McGovern rmcgovern at juniper.net
Wed Oct 25 15:01:17 EDT 2023

You should not need a license for MOST features to work, for example L3 Routing, EVPN, etc. It depend a little on the exact platform and feature/function. MACSec is one where you “may” need a license to activate, to test/etc. In general, currently licenses are not required for most features to function or to be used for testing. In case of testing, Trial/Demo licenses can be cut easily.

Just FYI, Rich

Richard McGovern
Sr Sales Engineer, Juniper Networks

I’d rather be lucky than good, as I know I am not good
I don’t make the news, I just report it

Juniper Business Use Only

On 10/25/23, 2:38 PM, "Ola Thoresen" <ola at nytt.no> wrote:
On 25.10.2023 19:20, Richard McGovern via juniper-nsp wrote:

> Crist, not quite 100% accurate. Perpetual License are permeant and last forever, but with newer Flex License structure also require a SW Support Contract. Subscription based licenses of course expire at end of the subscription date, but do include SW Support.
> Trial and Demo licenses always come with end date, usually 60-90 days in the future. I am not 100% sure about expiration for Lab Licenses.

But the main issue here was whether the licenses are trust based or not.

Which means that even _without_ a license, an MX304 should be able to do
almost anything that requires a license (except bng, macsec and possibly
a few other special use cases) - although it would cause nagging in the
logs and when committing.

I think this was cleared up earlier, that the OP probably experienced
some other bug.

That is what's important for us. That functions don't stop working if a
subscription license expires, and that you can try out a feature without
buying a license first.

/Ola (T)

> FYI Only, Rich
> Richard McGovern
> Sr Sales Engineer, Juniper Networks
> 978-618-3342
> I’d rather be lucky than good, as I know I am not good
> I don’t make the news, I just report it
> Juniper Business Use Only
> On 10/25/23, 11:02 AM, "Crist Clark" <cjc+j-nsp at pumpky.net<mailto:cjc+j-nsp at pumpky.net>> wrote:
> I think the key here is that the OP had evaluation licenses. Those are
> timed and things stop working when they expire. Purchased license are
> permanent and do not expire.
> On Wed, Oct 25, 2023 at 6:18 AM Mark Tinka via juniper-nsp <
> juniper-nsp at puck.nether.net<mailto:juniper-nsp at puck.nether.net><mailto:juniper-nsp at puck.nether.net<mailto:juniper-nsp at puck.nether.net>>> wrote:
>> On 10/25/23 14:42, Saku Ytti via juniper-nsp wrote:
>>> But we can reject licenses that expire in operation and cause an
>>> outage. That I think is a very reasonable ask.  I know that IOS XE for
>>> example will do this, you run out of license and your box breaks. I
>>> swapped out from CRS1k to ASR1k because I knew the organisation would
>>> eventually fail to fix the license ahead of expiry.
>> We had this happen to us in 2014 when we recovered a failed server
>> running CSR1000v. The "installation evaluation" license expired after 60
>> days, and since everyone forgot about it, the box went down.
>> So as part of our deployment/recovery procedure, we always procure
>> CSR1000v licenses for each installation.
>> Of course, with things changing to Cat8000v, this could get juicy.
>>> I'm happy if the device calls homes via https proxy, and reports my
>>> license use, and the sales droid tells me I'm not compliant with
>>> terms. Making it a commercial problem is fine, making it an acute
>>> technical problem is not.
>>> In your specific case, the ports never worked, you had to procure a
>>> license, and the license never dies. So from my POV, this is fine. And
>>> being absolutist here will not help, as then you can't even achieve
>>> reasonable compromise.
>> I tend to agree.
>> Mark.
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