[j-nsp] Difference in "MX204" and "MX204-HW-BASE"?

chiel chiel at gmx.net
Wed Jan 10 16:13:18 EST 2024

On 10/01/2024 18:50, Richard McGovern wrote:
> So basically without some Feature License tied the HW SN via some Flex
> Feature License, it is a good boat anchor!

So why does the MX204 I currently have and doesn't have any license
installed on it is running BGP/OSPF without any problems on version
22.3R3.8? If I lookup the SN on the Juniper website [1] I see "MX204".
If I lookup other SN from "MX204-HW-BASE" I do see "MX204-HW-BASE"
instead of "MX204".

So I guess "MX204" doesn't enforce the license?

I guess another option is not to go above version 22.2R1?

[1] https://entitlementsearch.juniper.net/

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