[j-nsp] dhcpv6 IA_PD syslogging

Jan Bacher jb at janbacher.com
Wed Jul 17 10:55:42 EDT 2024

Jared, this is similar to what I use.  Devices using dhcp-relay and that 
are directly connected to the ACX cannot even ping the gateway -- let 
alone route out.

If I configure 'no-snoop' on the ACX, routers behind the ACX work fine.

Am I missing a forwarding-option or a routing-option or should this just 
work?  I've not had this issue with the MX routers.

On 7/10/24 11:32, Jared Mauch via juniper-nsp wrote:
> 	Here's my Juniper config:
>      dhcp-relay {
>          dhcpv6 {
>              overrides {
>                  allow-snooped-clients;
>              }
>              relay-agent-option-79;
>              group FTTHCustomersv6 {
>                  relay-agent-remote-id {
>                      use-option-82;
>                  }
>                  interface irb.100;
>                  interface irb.200;
>              }
>              relay-agent-interface-id {
>                  use-option-82;
>              }
>              relay-agent-remote-id {
>                  use-option-82;
>                  keep-incoming-remote-id;
>              }
>              server-group {
>                  FTTHCustomers6 {
>                      2001:db8:db8:db8:db8:db8:db8:db8;
>                  }
>              }
>              active-server-group FTTHCustomers6;
>          }
>          forward-snooped-clients configured-interfaces;
>          overrides {
>              trust-option-82;
>              bootp-support;
>              replace-ip-source-with giaddr;
>          }
>          server-group {
>              FTTHCustomers {
>        ;
>        ;
>              }
>          }
>          active-server-group FTTHCustomers;
>          group FTTHCustomers {
>              overrides {
>                  trust-option-82;
>                  bootp-support;
>                  replace-ip-source-with giaddr;
>              }
>              interface xe-0/0/47.0;
>              interface irb.100;
>              interface irb.200;
>          }
>      }
> On Wed, Jul 10, 2024 at 12:21:02PM -0400, Jared Mauch via juniper-nsp wrote:
>> 	like this:
>>      subnet6 2001:db8:0003::/64 {
>>          # agent.link-address
>>          pool6 {
>>              range6 2001:db8:3::100 2001:db8:3::fff0;
>>          }
>>          option dhcp6.next-hop 2001:db8:0003::1;
>>          prefix6 2001:db8:3:0010:: 2001:db8:3:ff00:: /60;
>>          on commit {
>>              set agent_circuit-id = concat("", v6relay(1, option dhcp6.interface-id));
>>              log ( error, concat( "COMMIT6|Interface:", v6relay(1, option dhcp6.interface-id), "|", v6relay(1, option dhcp6.relay-id), "|", v6relay(1, option dhcp6.remote-id)));
>>              log ( error, concat( "HWADDR-DUID: ", v6relay(1, (binary-to-ascii(16, 8, ":", option dhcp6.client-linklayer-addr))), " is connected to ", binary-to-ascii(16, 8, ":", option dhcp6.client-id)));
>>              log (info, concat ("Lease6 for ", binary-to-ascii(16,16, ":", substring(suffix(option dhcp6.ia-na, 24),0,16)), " lease to ",v6relay(1, (binary-to-ascii(16, 8, ":", option dhcp6.client-linklayer-addr)))));
>>              if exists dhcp6.client-id  { log(error, concat(" dhcp6.client-id = ", binary-to-ascii(16, 8, ":", v6relay(1, option dhcp6.client-id))));
>>              log(error, concat(" dhcp6.ia-addr = ", binary-to-ascii(16, 16, ":", v6relay(1, option dhcp6.ia-addr))));}
>>              log(error, concat(" v6relay(1, dhcp6.interface-id) = ", v6relay(1, option dhcp6.interface-id)));
>>              log(error, concat(" v6relay(1, dhcp6.subscriber-id) = ", v6relay(1, option dhcp6.subscriber-id)));
>>              log(error, concat(" v6relay(1, dhcp6.relay-id) = ", v6relay(1, option dhcp6.relay-id)));
>>              # dhcp6.ia-prefix
>>              log(error, concat(" v6relay(1, dhcp6.ia-prefix) = ", binary-to-ascii(16, 16, ":", suffix(v6relay(1, option dhcp6.ia-prefix), 16)) ) );
>>              log(error, concat(" dhcp6.ia-na = ", binary-to-ascii(16, 16, ":", suffix(option dhcp6.ia-na, 16))  ) );
>>              log(error, concat(" dhcp6.ia-ta = ", option dhcp6.ia-ta));
>>              log (error, concat (" v6RELAY1(dhcp6.client-linklayer-addr): ", v6relay(1, (binary-to-ascii(16, 8, ":", option dhcp6.client-linklayer-addr)))));
>>              log (error, concat (" v6RELAY1(dhcp6.ia-addr): ", v6relay(1, (binary-to-ascii(16, 16, ":", option dhcp6.ia-addr)))));
>>              log (error, concat (" v6RELAY1(dhcp6.subscriber-id):", v6relay(1, option dhcp6.subscriber-id)));
>>              log (error, concat (" v6RELAY1(agent.circuit-id):", v6relay(1, option agent.circuit-id)));
>>              log (error, concat (" v6RELAY1(agent1.remote-id):", v6relay(1, option agent.remote-id)));
>>              log (error, concat (" dhcp6.remote-id:", option dhcp6.remote-id));
>>              log (error, concat (" v6RELAY1(dhcp6.ia-na):", substring(suffix(v6relay(1, option dhcp6.ia-na), 24), 0, 16)));
>>              log (info,  concat (" hostname(domain-name):", option domain-name));
>>              log (error, concat ("--> Client-DUID: ",
>>                  binary-to-ascii(16, 8, ":", option dhcp6.client-id),
>>                  " | IP Address: ",
>>                  binary-to-ascii(16, 16, ":", substring(suffix(option dhcp6.ia-na, 24), 0, 16))));
>>              log (error, concat ("--> Client-DUID: ",
>>                  binary-to-ascii(16, 8, ":", option dhcp6.client-id),
>>                  " | Lease IPv6 ",
>>                  binary-to-ascii(16, 16, ":", substring(suffix(option dhcp6.ia-na, 24), 0, 16)),
>>                  " | lease to ",
>>                  v6relay(1, (binary-to-ascii(16, 8, ":", option dhcp6.client-linklayer-addr))),
>>                  " | PD Range: ", binary-to-ascii(16, 16, ":", suffix(option dhcp6.ia-pd, 16)),
>>                      "/",
>>                      binary-to-ascii(10, 8, ":", substring(suffix(option dhcp6.ia-pd, 17), 0, 1)),
>>                  " | MacID: ", binary-to-ascii(16, 8, ":", suffix(option dhcp6.client-id, 6)),
>>                  " | Interface:", v6relay(1, option dhcp6.interface-id))
>>                );
>>          }
>>          on release {
>>              log(error, concat("RELEASE6 from", agent_circuit-id));
>>          }
>> On Wed, Jul 03, 2024 at 11:42:35AM -0500, Aaron Gould via juniper-nsp wrote:
>>> how are we supposed to deploy ipv6 without the ability to log who has what?
>>> -Aaron
>>> On 7/3/2024 10:10 AM, Gert Doering via juniper-nsp wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> On Wed, Jul 03, 2024 at 10:05:43AM -0500, Chris Adams via juniper-nsp wrote:
>>>>> I haven't looked in a bit, but at one point Kea's built-in logging was
>>>>> pretty minimal, with "ISP level" logging done as a paid add-on module.
>>>>> They've got to pay the bills, but I dislike that model.
>>>> pay-for logging might suck, but it's way better than "can you open a
>>>> feature request that we'll subsequently ignore" logging...
>>>> gert
>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>> juniper-nsp mailing list juniper-nsp at puck.nether.net
>>>> https://puck.nether.net/mailman/listinfo/juniper-nsp
>>> -- 
>>> -Aaron
>>> _______________________________________________
>>> juniper-nsp mailing list juniper-nsp at puck.nether.net
>>> https://puck.nether.net/mailman/listinfo/juniper-nsp
>> -- 
>> Jared Mauch  | pgp key available via finger from jared at puck.nether.net
>> clue++;      | http://puck.nether.net/~jared/  My statements are only mine.
>> #!/usr/bin/python3
>> # (c) 2024 Jared Mauch
>> #
>> from isc_dhcp_leases import Lease, IscDhcpLeases
>> import binascii
>> leases = IscDhcpLeases('/var/lib/dhcp/dhcpd6.leases')
>> #leases.get()  # Returns the leases as a list of Lease objects
>> #leases.get_current()  # Returns only the currently valid dhcp leases as dict
>>                        # The key of the dict is the device mac address and the
>>                        # Value is a Lease object
>> olts = {}
>> olts['F09FC23F7ACC'] = 'olt1'
>> duids = {}
>> duid_info_na = { }
>> duid_info_pd = { }
>> duid_info_v4 = { }
>> duid_info_hostname = { }
>> duid_info_cid = { }
>> duid_cid_mac = { }
>> duid_info_vendor = { }
>> print("parsing leases6")
>> for lease in leases.get():
>> #    print(lease,vars(lease))
>>      # parse last 6 bytes only
>>      duidlen = len(lease.duid)
>>      macloc = duidlen - 6
>> #    print("duid(len) =", len(lease.duid), macloc)
>>      duid = ':'.join('{:02x}'.format(x) for x in lease.duid[-6:])
>> #    print("duid=", duid)
>> #    duid_info_ip[duid] =  lease.ip
>>      duids[duid] = ':'.join('{:02x}'.format(x) for x in lease.duid)
>> #    print("duid=", duid)
>>      cid = lease.options.get('cid', None)
>>      duid_info_cid[duid] = cid
>>      if cid is not None:
>>          duid_cid_mac[cid] = duid_cid_mac.get(cid, 0) + 1
>> #    if duid_info_cid[duid] is not None:
>> #        print(duid, duid_info_cid[duid])
>>      if lease.type == 'na':
>>          duid_info_na[duid] = lease.ip
>> #        print("saving NA lease")
>>      if lease.type == 'pd':
>>          duid_info_pd[duid] = lease.ip
>> #        print("saving PD lease")
>> #    print(lease.ip, str(lease.type))
>> #    print(lease,vars(lease))
>> print("parsing leases4")
>> leases = IscDhcpLeases('/var/lib/dhcp/dhcpd.leases')
>> for lease in leases.get():
>>      if lease.binding_state in ('active'):
>> #        print(lease,vars(lease))
>> #        mac_duid = "00:03:00:01:" + lease.ethernet
>>          mac_duid = lease.ethernet
>>          duids[mac_duid] = mac_duid
>>          duid_info_v4[mac_duid] = lease.ip
>>          cid =  lease.options.get('agent.circuit-id', None)
>>          duid_info_cid[mac_duid] = cid
>>          if cid is not None:
>>              duid_cid_mac[cid] = duid_cid_mac.get(cid, 0) + 1
>>          duid_info_vendor[mac_duid] = lease.sets.get('vendor-class-identifier', '')
>>          duid_info_hostname[mac_duid] = lease.hostname
>> #        print('\t', lease.ip, lease.hostname, lease.ethernet, lease.options.get('agent.circuit-id', ''), lease.sets.get('vendor-class-identifier', ''))
>> print("--- end parsing ---")
>> #print(duids)
>> for x in sorted(duids.keys()):
>>      print("hwaddr: %s " % x)
>>      if x not in duids[x]:
>>          print("\tHWADDR NOT IN DUID: (%s,%s)" % (x, duids[x]))
>>      if duid_info_hostname.get(x, None) is not None:
>>          print("\thostname: %s" % duid_info_hostname.get(x))
>>      if duid_info_vendor.get(x, None) is not None:
>>          print("\tvendor: %s" % duid_info_vendor.get(x))
>>      if duid_info_cid.get(x, None) is not None:
>>          cid = duid_info_cid.get(x, None)
>>          cid = cid[1:] # remove first quote
>>          cid = cid[:-1] # remove last quote?
>>          vals = cid.split('/')
>>          olt = vals[0].upper()
>> #        print(olt, olts.get(olt, None))
>> #        print(vals)
>>          print("\tCID:\t(%s)%s\tnum_mac=%d" % (olts.get(olt, None), cid, duid_cid_mac.get(duid_info_cid.get(x))))
>>      if duid_info_v4.get(x, None) is not None:
>>          print("\tv4\t%s" % duid_info_v4.get(x))
>>      if duid_info_na.get(x, None) is not None:
>>          print("\tNA\t%s" % duid_info_na.get(x))
>>      if duid_info_pd.get(x, None) is not None:
>>          print("\tPD\t%s" % duid_info_pd.get(x))
>> _______________________________________________
>> juniper-nsp mailing list juniper-nsp at puck.nether.net
>> https://puck.nether.net/mailman/listinfo/juniper-nsp

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