[j-nsp] gNMI on MX960

Sebastian Wiesinger sebastian at karotte.org
Fri Mar 8 03:57:54 EST 2024

* Ebben Aries via juniper-nsp <juniper-nsp at puck.nether.net> [2024-03-07 19:55]:
> Am I to assume your JSON config is for the gnmi input plugin for
> telegraf and is the complete config?  I don't belive this plugin
> supports the qos field either so can you share the precise version you
> are testing with?
> How about results with another client such as gNMIc targeting this same
> path?
> The OpenConfig path `/interfaces/interface/state/counters` is supported
> on the version you are indicating

No the JSON config I posted is for the Python module pygnmi which I
used to test with. I now switched to gNMIc but now I'm completely
blocked. I updated the box to 22.2R3-S2.8 (which is the highest
recommended for MX960) which should support the path I want.

But now it does not work at all, I only get cryptic error messages in
the log:

Mar  8 09:50:07  lab-mx960 na-grpcd[40784]: NA_GRPCD_CONFIG_EDIT_FAILURE: Ephemeral DB Edit config: error_code=14, error_message='failed to connect to all addresses'
Mar  8 09:50:36  lab-mx960 last message repeated 29 times

And I can't make any connection:

$ gnmic -u gnmi -p $(cat gnmi-passwd.txt) --skip-verify -a lab-mx960:30030 capabilities
target "lab-mx960:30030", capabilities request failed: failed to create a gRPC client for target "lab-mx960:30030" : lab-mx960:30030: context deadline exceeded
Error: one or more requests failed

I see that the ephemeral database is currently empty (if this is the
database in question, it's the only one I see):

swiesinger at lab-mx960> show ephemeral-configuration instance junos-analytics
## Last changed: 2024-03-07 17:47:45 CET

swiesinger at lab-mx960>

No idea how to proceed, restarting the daemon and rebooting the RE did
not help.

I also had the same error in the old JunOS version but somewhere in
testing it started working. I can't reproduce it.

> > set system services extension-service request-response grpc
> > skip-authentication
> Remove this knob - it is unnecessary and will be removed at some point
> in the near future.  For now (and this plugin), the username/password
> would be populated as gRPC metadata (HTTP2 headers)

Okay, I removed it.

> You can also use the following command (currently hidden today as we
> rework it's intent)
>   show agent sensor-capability

Yeah, I think it should work in theory:

swiesinger at lab-mx960> show agent sensor-capability resource /interfaces
Resource          : /interfaces
Node Type         : container

Resource          : /interfaces/interface
Node Type         : list
Key(s)            : name

Resource          : /interfaces/interface/state
Node Type         : container

Resource          : /interfaces/interface/state/counters
Node Type         : container

Resource          : /interfaces/interface/state/counters/in-octets
Node Type         : leaf
Data Type         : uint64
ON_CHANGE Support : False

> Our classical telemetry explorer may give you inaccurate results for the
> data you are looking for unfortunately.  This is reworked into the
> following rather:
> https://apps.juniper.net/ydm-explorer/

Thanks I'll try to remember that!

If you have any hints about the error above I would be grateful. Our
current SE left and the new one hasn't introduced him-/herself but I
think that would be my only option left at this point.

Best Regards


            -- Terry Pratchett, The Fifth Elephant

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