[Outages-discussion] Another power outage today at Hurricane?

Jason Dearborn jasondearborn at gmail.com
Tue Nov 3 19:43:53 EST 2009

I endorse this product and/or service.  720 2nd is an underrated and often
overlooked facility.

On Tue, Nov 3, 2009 at 4:24 PM, Peter Kranz <pkranz at unwiredltd.com> wrote:

> 4kw per rack power density (2 20A 110V circuits loaded at 18A per for
> instance) is avail at 720 2nd street for what I believe are pretty
> reasonable rates if you work with the right vendor, if you're willing to go
> up to Oakland. It's one of the 365Main data centers.
> http://365main.com/images/365_Main_Oakland_CA.pdf
> We have yet to experience power or cooling issues since that data center
> went live a few years ago (knock on wood)
> Peter Kranz
> Founder/CEO - Unwired Ltd
> www.UnwiredLtd.com
> Desk: 510-868-1614 x100
> Mobile: 510-207-0000
> pkranz at unwiredltd.com
> -----Original Message-----
> From: outages-discussion-bounces at outages.org
> [mailto:outages-discussion-bounces at outages.org] On Behalf Of Luke S
> Crawford
> Sent: Tuesday, November 03, 2009 4:17 PM
> To: Jeremy Chadwick; outages-discussion at outages.org
> Subject: Re: [Outages-discussion] Another power outage today at Hurricane?
> Stef Walter <stef-list at memberwebs.com> writes:
> > Jeremy Chadwick wrote:
> > > There are other co-location providers in the bay who offer equal (or
> > > slightly more -- "slightly" means maybe $25-50) rates with much better
> > > service, better peering (less shady, more redundancy), and guarantee
> > > service reliability with reimbursement for service in 15-minute
> > > increments (service hard down for an hour?  credit = rate * 4).
> >
> > I'm interested, do you have any of these you would recommend by name?
> > Whether on or off list...
> I have had luck with SVTIX -  per watt it's actually much cheaper
> than he.net, and it's always uncomfortably cold, something I can't
> say for the Fremont he.net co-lo.  He.net does have a presence at SVTIX,
> as do many others. (and many 3rd parties willing to resell to you if you
> are small.)
> The power at SVTIX has been rock solid.
> I've actually been pretty happy with he.net bandwidth;  but their co-lo
> seems to be built for people who are way lower density than I am.  11.25
> usable amps of 120v per rack means I can put up 5 servers per rack, so it
> actually ends up being a lot more expensive than SVTIX.
> (On the other hand, I know a guy who runs his business off a rack full
> of desktop servers.  He.net colo is perfect for him, because he cheaply
> gets
> enough rackspace to hold the towers.  I send everyone who comes to me
> wanting to co-lo desktops to he.net resellers.)
> My setup at svtix is two 20a 120v circuits per 20a rack,  which isn't as
> much power as I'd like, but it's better than the five servers I
> can fit in a he.net rack.    I'd really like a 30a 208v circuit per
> rack, but I haven't seen that outside of 55 s. market, which gets
> kinda pricy.  (If I had a good cross connect between the two, my next
> expansion would probably be a cage there.)
> --
> Luke S. Crawford
> http://prgmr.com/xen/        -  Hosting for the technically adept
> http://nostarch.com/xen.htm  -  We don't assume you are stupid.
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