[Outages-discussion] IPv6 outages overnight

Mark Kamichoff prox at prolixium.com
Thu Feb 9 20:31:54 EST 2012

Hi Frank - 

On Thu, Feb 09, 2012 at 06:32:08PM -0600, Frank Bulk wrote:
> I monitor over 30 IPv6 websites and Wednesday night between 11:52 pm
> and Thursday morning 12:50 am Central four of those sites became
> inaccessible almost all at the same time.
> 	ipv6.t-mobile.com
> 	www.t-home.hu [just the one AAAA: 2001:4c48:2:46::1b:1]
> 	www.twtelecom.com
> 	www.t-online.de
> Those sites (currently) go over different transit links (two over
> Sprint, two over Level3).
> Here are traceroutes from 2607:fe28:10::/48.  Unfortunately I was not
> awake when this happened, so I couldn't see where it failed.  BGPlay
> on the IPv6 and IPv4 prefixes I tried don't show any routing events at
> our upstream transit during those times.
> Anyone else see anything around that time?  

A few of my SmokePing (fping6) graphs showed gaps to a few nodes around
that same time (ipv6.juniper.net, ipv6.akamai.com, etc.).  Judging by
traceroutes I believe it was Level3-related.

- Mark

Mark Kamichoff
prox at prolixium.com

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