[Outages-discussion] Azure Outageks

Jared Mauch jared at puck.nether.net
Fri Sep 7 05:23:11 EDT 2018

On Wed, Sep 05, 2018 at 10:26:03PM -0400, Matt Hoppes wrote:
> Yes, neither of those are acceptable explanation is for a data center of this size going off-line for 37 hours.

	Anyone using a single provider for service, or a single DC
will see this same thing again in the future.  It doesn't matter who they
are or how large they are, they will have a bad day.  If you're not
preparing for that bad day, I would suggest you're doing it wrong.

	- Jared

Jared Mauch  | pgp key available via finger from jared at puck.nether.net
clue++;      | http://puck.nether.net/~jared/  My statements are only mine.

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