[Outages-discussion] HE -> Century link issues

Jared Geiger jared at compuwizz.net
Thu Dec 10 18:49:41 EST 2020

We saw issues via HE to customers in Florida and Texas on Comcast,
Centurylink, and Spectrum. HE said they had a "Route synchronization
problem" in Atlanta.

Turned both our peering and transit BGP sessions with HE off, things got
worse. Parts of HE's network couldn't see a transit path to us verified by
their looking glass. Brought peering back up and things got better.

On Thu, Dec 10, 2020 at 11:33 AM Chris Adams <cma at cmadams.net> wrote:

> Once upon a time, Andrei Zbikowski <andrei.zbikowski at gmail.com> said:
> > Yup, can confirm I'm seeing no routes between a centurylink consumer
> fiber
> > link and any of HE's networks right now (testing through to ours at
> AS42495
> > and I just get dropped off at Level3 in Seattle).
> It appears HE's issues are getting worse.  I have an HE connection at
> Atlanta 56 Marietta and lost connectivity to a customer on a Merit
> connection in Michigan (as well as some other customers).  Dropped the
> HE BGP and I can get there.
> Looking in my monitoring, before that I did see HE drop about 10,000
> v4 prefixes at about 10:30am CST (and they hadn't picked back up before
> I disabled BGP).
> --
> Chris Adams <cma at cmadams.net>
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