[Outages-discussion] [EXTERNAL] [outages] [META] Some outages are planned

Charles Sprickman spork at bway.net
Tue Sep 8 18:45:30 EDT 2020

> On Sep 8, 2020, at 6:26 PM, scott weeks <surfer at mauigateway.com> wrote:
> Heh, thanks for posting that!  There was no back out plan.  If you have to back out, you didn't plan well enough and your job was at stake. 

Exactly! No “roll back the VM, we’re done!”.

> I still see that type of equipment in the back recesses of the ILEC here in Hawaii.  I go look when I need a few minutes away from everyone in the middle of a stressful day.  Like looking at old cars, there is a coolness to it. 

> How well the wax string was done, how every line is *perfectly* laid on the cable trays, etc. 

There’s a client I have that moved into a Level3 facility that was built out in the mid-90’s and it was kind of surprising to see that the racks and overhead trays all had wax string wrapping for the stuff (and 23” wide cabs, and 48V DC power). The wrapping is so neat, first time I got to see it up close.


> Some of these COs are so old, you can feel the age in the air.  It's kinda creepy at times!
> scott
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