[outages] Facebook high packet loss & latency

Donn Lasher D.Lasher at f5.com
Mon Nov 19 19:42:56 EST 2018

Not to +me.too, but downdetector was lit up last night, noted it personally from multiple points on the west coast. Never found an RCA/RFO, but something was really borked for a bit.

On 11/18/18, 9:15 PM, "Outages on behalf of Kevin Chen via Outages" <outages-bounces at outages.org on behalf of outages at outages.org> wrote:

    EXTERNAL MAIL: outages-bounces at outages.org
    Seeing high packet loss and latency to Facebook services from Comcast in Mountain View, CA.
    * www.facebook.com
    * www.instagram.com
    * www.messenger.com
    Ping for www.messenger.com:
    --- star.c10r.facebook.com ping statistics ---
    164 packets transmitted, 110 packets received, 32.9% packet loss
    round-trip min/avg/max/stddev = 48.484/56.295/261.958/27.756 ms
    And here is a traceroute:
    $ traceroute www.messenger.com
    traceroute to star.c10r.facebook.com (, 64 hops max, 52 byte packets
     1 (  4.061 ms  5.813 ms  8.769 ms
     2 (  24.801 ms  20.402 ms  19.775 ms
     3  be-20009-rur02.santaclara.ca.sfba.comcast.net (  14.825 ms  17.473 ms  15.166 ms
     4 (  17.093 ms  15.958 ms  19.341 ms
     5 (  17.292 ms  18.793 ms  18.504 ms
     6  be-3651-cr02.sunnyvale.ca.ibone.comcast.net (  18.208 ms  15.616 ms  20.786 ms
     7  be-11025-cr01.9greatoaks.ca.ibone.comcast.net (  23.369 ms  19.778 ms  20.170 ms
     8  be-10825-cr01.seattle.wa.ibone.comcast.net (  39.775 ms  38.383 ms  44.532 ms
     9  be-10847-pe02.seattle.wa.ibone.comcast.net (  40.979 ms  39.799 ms  39.582 ms
    10  * (  53.482 ms *
    11  po103.psw04.sea1.tfbnw.net (  50.868 ms
        po103.psw03.sea1.tfbnw.net (  35.061 ms  40.036 ms
    12 (  34.965 ms (  44.327 ms (  36.749 ms
    13  edge-star-shv-01-sea1.facebook.com (  45.418 ms  36.913 ms  36.493 ms
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