[outages] CenturyLink peering issues?

Chris Adams cma at cmadams.net
Sun Aug 30 08:48:14 EDT 2020

Once upon a time, randal k <rkohutek+outages at gmail.com> said:
> It's weird you say that - I have been attempting to use Level3's well
> known communities to attempt to prepend, no-export etc and have been
> having limited luck ... and those communities even appear in
> route-views, so I know they're being sent!

I brought my session back up, not accepting any routes, and prepending
ours (just in case the change propagated)... it took a while, but
eventually I do see the prepended routes.

But for a provider that said they shut down their link to Level3, I
still see their routes... possibly (slowly) propagating changes but not
actual withdraws?
Chris Adams <cma at cmadams.net>

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