[outages] Ping to Google

Grant Taylor gtaylor at tnetconsulting.net
Wed Feb 9 00:30:13 EST 2022

On 2/8/22 9:45 PM, Mark Tinka via Outages wrote:
> That ship long sailed.


Many ships have sailed, as in left the dock, but never reached their 

> If we want to stop this behaviour, we'll have to do something about it,


> specifically, offering an alternative to Internet users that is regarded 
> as official, e.g., like we do with other public services such as NTP.

That's /one/ option.

Another option is for Google, et al., to simply drop ICMP packets to 
their DNS servers.

Is this heavy handed?  Probably.

Is it a viable option to persuade people to not ping said DNS servers? yes.

Will it achieve the desired result of having people stop pinging 
Google's DNS servers?  Quite likely.  Admittedly with a long tail.

Grant. . . .
unix || die

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