[sysmon-help] wanted: sysmon clients

Jared Mauch jared at sysmon.org
Sat Dec 6 10:38:27 EST 2003

	sysmon when monitoring large sets of hosts can
produce an unweildly set of devices to be displayed in the
html status pages.

	I've always intended for sysmon to have some
client/server interaction, and have implemented part of what
I think is necessary for this to happen.. read on if you are
interested in writing a GUI client application (Windows,
MacOS X, XWindows, Java, etc..)

	So, the thought is to have some client applications
for a few different OS'es that gets notified when an object
state changes, and can provide sorting, etc.. as necessary in 
the GUI, and obtain outage details/history of an object (once
i log that in detail inside sysmon).

	Basically, you 'subscribe' via (MODE outagelog)
to get notified, you need to send a command (eg: NOOP) at least
every 300 seconds, otherwise you'll get booted for

	you can then get the details for objects to be displayed
in the GUI via "SHOWOBJ" of the name that is displayed.

	Obviously you can see that I need to clean up a bit of the code
for the snmp data that gets dumped, and probally suppress
some irrelevant parts of the dump..

	Anyways, if you are interested, let me know, I will
be posting the source for this beta version of sysmon later today
at ftp://puck.nether.net/pub/jared/beta/

	- Jared

mobile:~% telnet localhost 1345
Connected to localhost.nether.net.
Escape character is '^]'.
111 - v1.0 Ready - Welcome
MODE xml
333 xml enabled
AUTH authentication key
333 Good Authentication
MODE outagelog
333 outagelog enabled
333 noop
state-change: 0:a50.tokyjp01.jp.ra.nether.net.cpu
SHOWOBJ a50.tokyjp01.jp.ra.nether.net.cpu
<ObjectMessage>a50.tokyjp01.jp.ra.nether.net CPU usage over 25 pct</ObjectMessage>
BUG: snmp low 880 high 25 exact 2 octets 0 system_uptime 3 last_resptime 0 rate 61452
333 Good Bye, please come again
Connection closed by foreign host.
Jared Mauch  | pgp key available via finger from jared at puck.nether.net
clue++;      | http://puck.nether.net/~jared/  My statements are only mine.

----- End forwarded message -----

Jared Mauch  | pgp key available via finger from jared at puck.nether.net
clue++;      | http://puck.nether.net/~jared/  My statements are only mine.

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