[VoiceOps] VNXX

Peter R. peter at 4isps.com
Tue Aug 11 10:03:07 EDT 2009

V-NXX is mainly a conflict for Inter-LATA numbers.
ILEC's can give you V-NXX inside the LATA with services like Extended 
PRI and RCF, but ILEC's still have that LATA issue and mindset.
So when L3 or GPOPs start giving out state-wide PRI's, that's when the 
ILEC's start screaming.
It all comes down to the money - Inter-Carrier Compensation.

V-NXX is mainly Inbound traffic, which means that the ILEC's are paying. 
They never like that.

That's the main problem.


Peter @ RAD-INFO, Inc.
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: voiceops-bounces at voiceops.org [mailto:voiceops-bounces at voiceops.org] On Behalf Of Alex Balashov
>> Sent: Sunday, August 09, 2009 3:58 PM
>> To: voiceops at voiceops.org
>> Subject: [VoiceOps] VNXX
>> What does the FCC and/or intercarrier compensation reform crowd mean, 
>> exactly, when they say "Virtual NXX?"
>> Is that some class of clever remote call forwarding schemes from a CO 
>> where the call between it and your rate center is rated LD by the ILEC, 
>> but which some call forwarding product manages to get around or mitigate 
>> somehow?
>> Or does it refer to carriers picking up inbound calls at the LATA 
>> supertandems by carriers from rate centers in which they don't have 
>> direct end-office trunking and whose number blocks are not homed to the 
>> tandems (any tandems) to which the carrier is connected?  This was 
>> rather common during the dialup boom and often skirted the 
>> 'DS1-of-consistent-usage = DEOT needed' requirement in most form ICAs, 
>> as I understand it.

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