[VoiceOps] Rejected port due to having other orders active on the account

Paul Timmins paul at timmins.net
Thu Nov 1 16:13:32 EDT 2012

On Nov 1, 2012, at 16:06 , Carlos Alvarez <carlos at televolve.com> wrote:

> This is understandable, and we've never done that sort of thing.  Mostly it's porting X numbers to carrier A, and Y numbers to carrier B.  Leave the circuit alone until formally cancelled (which Integra requires 30 days notice of, even if you port out all numbers including BTN).

This I'm pretty sure is an FCC Reg - when you port all numbers from a loop, that loop is to be disconnected right away unless specifically arranged otherwise.

> We nearly always know what the pending orders are, because we initiated them, as above.  The top problem we're trying to solve is being able to kill the new customer's commitment to Integra in less time.  In a few cases it's just operational stuff where we need to move things from one circuit to another and such, but the real hard cost problem is delaying the turn-down of a PRI for 30 days or more.

If they followed the regs on disconnection of the loop on port out of all TNs, it sounds like this would be a non issue.

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