[VoiceOps] Testing Assistance from other LECs

Justin B Newman justin at ejtown.org
Tue Dec 9 22:16:14 EST 2014


I'm currently building out daily testing of a large set of outbound
providers against a wide array of destinations. I'm looking for other
facilities-based LECs who would offer up a telephone number that
- answers the phone then plays a recording we provide (consisting of
test tones, etc.)
- forwards incoming calls to a toll free number (which will answer &
play a similar recording)

Estimated call volume is 100-200 calls per day, max. of 1 concurrent
call. ACD of 15-30s.

If you work for a company who would be willing, please drop me an
email off list and we can coordinate. The perks of participating
include knowing someone's doing a fairly substantial test of a wide
array of carriers a couple of times a day, and opening tickets with
the carriers when there are problems. We'll also try to provide some
visibility into problems, particularly if we see them from the big

Many thanks,

Justin B Newman

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