[VoiceOps] Porting Process

Paul Timmins paul at timmins.net
Thu Jan 9 21:01:16 UTC 2025

Yes just enter it right away, you can activate any time after the due 
date and the timers expire. It eventually goes away after I think 30 
days after FOC? And you can always edit the FOC date.


On 1/9/25 14:44, Mike Hammett via VoiceOps wrote:
> We have a process that seems to work with everyone we've tried except 
> Level 3 and Sinch. We have more detail internally, but more or less it's:
> 1. Verify the TN is in our LATA.
> 2. Look up their OCN and verify we're set up with their port out portal.
> 3. Enter the TN(s) into their port out portal, choosing the FOC date 
> of customer installation.
> 4. On FOC date, create the port-out in Neustar SOA.
> 5. Activate it.
> 6. Done
> The last ports we did with both Level 3 and Sinch, we weren't able to 
> activate the port because the timers hadn't expired. Both required 
> reaching out to their port-out departments to get them to push it through.
> What are we doing wrong, or was it simply one-time glitches on the 
> other carrier's side?
> Something is telling me that maybe we need to create the port-out in 
> Neustar SOA as soon as we get the FOC, not on the FOC date. However, 
> we sometimes run into hiccups with the install and may not want it to 
> port that day. Is it as simple as just not doing the activation step 
> until it's actually ready? Create the port, let the timers expire, 
> then activate when ready, assuming it's after the FOC date? I assume 
> there's a time limit to that and at some point in the future, the FOC 
> date would time out and we'd have to start all over.
> -----
> Mike Hammett
> Intelligent Computing Solutions
> http://www.ics-il.com
> Midwest Internet Exchange
> http://www.midwest-ix.com
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