[VoiceOps] Sinch\Inteliquent Port-Out Documentation

Mike Hammett voiceops at ics-il.net
Thu Jan 16 19:44:01 UTC 2025

*nod* I had been reaching out to support as well, at least the support contacts on their escalation lists. They'd address the individual port at the time, but still leaving me in the dark as to what their policies were. 

Ben followed up offlist and got me that information so now we know the rules we're playing by. 

Mike Hammett 
Intelligent Computing Solutions 

Midwest Internet Exchange 

----- Original Message -----

From: "Mary Lou Carey" <marylou at backuptelecom.com> 
To: "Mike Hammett" <voiceops at ics-il.net> 
Cc: "voiceops" <voiceops at voiceops.org> 
Sent: Thursday, January 16, 2025 1:36:17 PM 
Subject: Re: [VoiceOps] Sinch\Inteliquent Port-Out Documentation 

You might try reaching out to their support team that can be found at: 
If they can't help, then contact one of the primary contacts found in NPAC online portal. 
Click on Bulletin Boards, 
Select Contacts 
Select your Region 
Select Contact type: PRA: Primary 
Select SPID 505B. 
It will give you a list of phone numbers and e-mails for them. 

BackUP Telecom Consulting 
Office: 615-791-9969 
Cell: 615-796-1111 

On 2025-01-16 07:56 AM, Mike Hammett via VoiceOps wrote: 

Has anyone come across Sinch\Intelliquent documentation on their port-out procedures, policies, etc. We can't just continue to throw LSRs at them, hoping that they stick. 

I haven't found anything in their portal that is of any assistance. 

Mike Hammett 
Intelligent Computing Solutions 

Midwest Internet Exchange 

VoiceOps mailing list 
VoiceOps at voiceops.org 

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