LB4M and cheap switching

I’ve been starting to play around with the LB4M as a cheap switching platform. These can be had easily on eBay and other sites for around $100-105, including 2x10G-SR optics as part of the deal. The downside is the switches are perhaps a bit noisy and a bit hard to work with as the CLI and software are a bit difficult to operate with. It’s also not well supported by the manufacturer, and the software.

I’ve decided to create a small archive of the images and data related to this platform. Those can be found here:

I am hoping to document some of the efforts I’m undertaking with these and any progress I have on getting more modern software, or even something linux based running on the box.

If you know how to do a factory firmware restore on these, please do contact me, even if it requires XMODEM or JTAG. I managed to load the improper firmware on the box such that the Boot Menu does not even appear.

One Response to “LB4M and cheap switching”

  1. Jeff Yelton says:

    I’m using the fastpath software that was loaded on the switches. My issue is the the switch won’t let me change to a subnet that is not
    Also I can’t put it in to DHCP mode. I’ve tried exporting the config off a working switch and uploading it to the stubborn switch but had no luck. I would appreciate any thoughts toward this issue.
    Thanks Jeff