Super results?

With Super Tuesday now over, the race continues to move on.  The Democrats continue their nominating race neck-and-neck as McCain seems to have the nomination as his to lose.  Given that, I’d like to focus briefly on the Clinton vs Obama race.  While there’s a lot of other cogent analysis that is done, I don’t expect anyone to find this interesting but perhaps you may. Clinton went ahead and loaned herself $5 Million today.  This could be because the majority of her donors have maxed out with the $2,300 FEC campaign limits.  Earlier today she said that Obama was going to outspend her (before the $5M loan) which clearly meant that she was not expecting a massive influx of cash after her wins.  Obama has primarily had contributors that have given $200 or under each.  This means if he can convince people to contribute further to his campaign, the donor list is much larger.  The power of the people could be heard with this campaign.  With the possibility of checks being mailed or direct-deposited in a few months, it’d be a great time to go out soliciting donations from those already on the donor rolls.  Having a large war-chest would be a good way to stay in the game and fight to the end.  There’s been a fair amount of analysis of the delegate race that is ongoing.  Because of how close the votes have been in the states, there’s a lot of power in losing just by a few votes or percentage points.  As it sits today it’s roughly 818 Clinton to 730 Obama.  Obama is doing strong in any state with a caucus system with Clinton tending to win at the ballot box.  The upcoming races seemed to be irrelevant but with the ongoing delegate race and the nearly 50/50 split in the party, we’re clearly in for a protracted fight. 

One Response to “Super results?”

  1. la says:

    Ron Paul in 08!