[cisco-voip] Call Manager peformance counters

Erick Bergquist erickbe at yahoo.com
Sat Mar 26 23:52:13 EST 2005


Does anyone know of a way to reset a callmanager
performance object back to 0 without restarting the
service? Would bouncing a windows performance service
do same and cause any problems?

Issue I have, is monitoring application we use is
alarming on MOHOutOfResources value which isn't
incrementing anymore. This is the counter object under
the Cisco CallManager category and has a value of a
couple thousand. 

The Cisco MOH Device MOHOutOfResources counter is 0
after we corrected the issue with MOH configuration
and reset MOH server and IP Voice Media services.

Does the Cisco Callmanager MOHOutOfResources maintain
its value until callmanger service is restarted or
server rebooted? Is this normal/working as designed?

The cisco documents don't really go into that much


Now need to try to get the monitoring application
group to watch the other object it looks like.

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