We have two T3 connections to two different ISP's using 7507 routers. We run BGP between each ISP and IBGP between our two 7507's.
One T3 is a full T3 flat rate and the other is a falt fee at 15MB but burstable to 100MB (supposedly) with added cost over 15MB. Anyway our traffic currently is split about 50/50 load wise between those two circuits - at roughly 20MB per circuit outbound.
We want to influence traffic so it goes over the full T3 to more fully utilize that paid for bandwidth.
Suggestions? I'm unclear how to do it since routes such to places like www.cisco.com only show up in our route tables on our BBN connection - implying it's preferred or cisco has their internet connection off of BBN.
I suspect it would be a matter of preferences or metrics - setting them less preferred on the second router with the partial T3.
Thanks in advance
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